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Fallen animal stock

The Department of Infrastructure's, Animal Waste Section has a service delivery agreement with DEFA to collect fallen stock.

To notify DEFA of Fallen Stock, please telephone: +44 1624 685844. Please remember to provide your holding number as well as the exact location and number of carcase(s) when using this service.

The Animal Waste Section would like to take this opportunity to remind farmers of the importance of reporting to DEFA the actual number and type of fallen stock for collection. DOI are noticing a considerable difference between fallen stock reported and actual collections which is causing major logistical problems.

Daily fallen stock collection rounds are planned based on the reports received from DEFA. However in reality, the Section is being asked to collect further fallen stock. This has a knock-on effect to later collections on the round - our vehicles have weight restrictions which, if exceeded, can result in Police prosecution and potential loss of licence. Therefore it is important that you report the actual number and type of fallen stock you wish to be collected in order for the appropriate vehicle to be sent out on that round. Failure to do this is likely to result in that collection being restricted to the amount and type of fallen stock reported.

With your co-operation, the Animal Waste Section will be able to plan routes better and provide a more efficient and cost-effective service.

Welfare reminder - animals in need of immediate or urgent destruction are the responsibility of the keeper who must either request the services of their local private Veterinary Surgeon or alternatively farmers may either destroy such animals themselves or arrange destruction, by a competent person. In such cases, the welfare of the animal must be ensured at all times and all destruction must be completed humanely and efficiently.

For further information please contact Animal Waste on: +44 1624 686811.

For clarification:

Cull cattle/calves may be killed on farm, either by a Veterinary Surgeon, DOI staff by prior arrangement or other competent person and the carcasses collected by DOI in the usual way.

Sheep may be slaughtered by DOI staff by prior arrangement with DOI.

Such slaughter cases will not be urgent and will be attended when DOI workload allows, which may be some days later.

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