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Science and Research

Independent Fisheries Science Contract

Unlike other jurisdictions, the Department does not sponsor a non-Departmental public body to undertake fisheries and marine conservation science and research.

Instead, the Department appoints independent, external organisations to provide the best available evidence-base to support the delivery of the Department’s statutory functions under Section 7 of the Fisheries Act 2012. These appointments are made following a competitive tender exercise through the Attorney General’s Chambers procurement website.

The current Independent Fisheries Science and Research contract, for the period 2020-2025, has been awarded to Bangor University (Wales) – School of Ocean Sciences.

Bangor University’s contract is delivered by two post-doctoral researchers, who base themselves within the DEFA Headquarters on the Island. They are supported by the wider Fisheries & Conservation Science research group based in Wales, who also work on a number of fisheries-related research projects across the UK.

The Bangor University team delivers a range of scientific and analytical expertise and management advice to the Department, as well as developing novel research projects in collaboration with local and regional stakeholders. The team aims to address critical knowledge gaps in key Commercial Fisheries and promote sustainable exploitation of these economically valuable natural resources.

Bangor University works in partnership with the Department and stakeholders to provide scientific support for industry-led data collection initiatives and co-management of resources. This close partnership and high-quality evidence base ensures that the Department, and the Island’s fishing industry, can make management and conservation decisions knowing that they have the best available evidence and science.

You can find out more about Bangor University’s work using the links below:

Apply to undertake Scientific Surveys in Isle of Man waters

If you wish to carry out scientific survey work in the Isle of Man's territorial sea, you will need to obtain permission and a Scientific Permit to carry out the work, which we have linked the procedure to do so. In particular, please note that outline details of proposed survey work is required 30 days in advance, with full details provided at least 14 days in advance.

Details of any survey work which might affect fishing activity will be provided on this page below. Further information can be obtained by contacting the Fisheries Division on +44 1624 685837.

Current and upcoming Scientific Surveys

Bangor University - Whelk research in 2024

Bangor University - Pollock Sampling 2024-25

4 July to 13 July AFBI queen scallop survey

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