Board Members

Below are the Manx Care Board Members and their title. You can find their Twitter handle in brackets next to their name. You can also follow @ManxCare on Twitter and Facebook for updates. 


  • Wendy Reid

Chief Executive Officer

  • Teresa Cope (@TeresaCope10)

Non-executive Board Members   

  • Sarah Pinch - Vice Chair
  • Dr. Charlie Orton (@dr_orton)
  • Katie Kapernaros (@katie_kap)
  • Kate Lancaster (@_KateLancaster)
  • Nigel Wood (@NigelHarleyWood)
  • Tim Bishop 
  • Sandra Cardwell

Executive Board Members (voting)

  • Paul Moore - Director of Nursing and Governance (@Paul_Moore_NHS)
  • Jackie Lawless - Finance Director
  • Dr. Marina Hudson - Interim Medical Director
  • Oliver Radford - Director of Health Services (@ollyradders)
  • David Hamilton - Interim Executive of Social Care, Mental Health and Safeguarding

Executive Board Members (non-voting)

  • Dr Oliver Ellis - Medical Director, Primary Care
  • Miriam Heppell - Interim Director for People

Our Board is made up of the Chair, Chief Executive, Executive Directors and Non-Executive Directors and supported by Board Secretary, Elaine Quine. The Board of Directors is the principal decision making body of our organisation. The Chief Executive and Executive Directors are full-time staff employed directly by Manx Care. The Chair and Non-Executive Directors are independent people who share their unique insights, varied experience, public and private sector perspective and talents developed in other sectors and industries with us.

The Board delegates some its work to a number of Board Committees. Each is chaired by a Non-Executive Director, with the exception of the Nomination, Appointments and Remuneration Committee which is chaired by the Manx Care Chair.

The Committees were established to provide assurance to the Board of Directors:

  • Nomination, Appointments and Remuneration Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Finance, Performance & Commissioning Committee
  • People Committee
  • Quality, Safety & Engagement Committee
  • Digital & Informatics Committee