Community Mental Health Service for Adults

Community Mental Health Service for Adults

Community Health Centre

Westmoreland Road



Telephone:+44 1624 686313

What is CMHSA?

The Community Mental Health Service for Adults (CMHSA) provides a specialist mental health service and is based at the Community Health Centre, Westmoreland Road, Douglas. It is an island-wide service and people can be seen in their own home. 

We are a multi-disciplinary team which includes psychiatrists, mental health nurses, social workers, psychologists, occupational therapists, criminal justice mental health lead and support workers. 

How can we help?

We offer an assessment and plan of care designed to meet individual needs within the Care Planning Standards framework. We offer on-going support and longer term intervention for people experiencing moderate to severe and enduring mental illness including a weekly depot clinic. We can also provide a range of help and support such as short term therapy for anxiety and have practitioners with particular areas of interest, such as working with personality disorders, postnatal depression and eating disorders. 

All clients will be allocated a lead professional. Clients open to the CMHSA can also access additional support and advice from the Duty and Referral Team (DART) during office hours, on the above telephone number. 

The team also undertake work in relation to the Mental Health Act. Placements are also provided for pre-registration student nurses and social workers. 

Partner agencies

Praxis operates a Home Support service, a 24-hour staffed supported living home in Douglas and a befriending service. 

A representative from the CMHSA is identified for liaison with Autism Initiatives


Initial contact with the CMHSA is typically instaged by the GP. Referrals are managed by the Duty and Referral Team at the Community Health Centre, Westmoreland Road, Douglas. They will direct referrals to the correct service area.

Further information

For more information about the CMHSA, please download our service booklet from the downloadable documents section to the right of this page. 

Useful links
Crossroads Care Beat (eating disorder support)
Samaritans The Silver Line (helpline for older people)
World Federation of Mental Health Mental Health Foundation
Mind Manx Carriage Driving 4 Disabled
Sailing for the Disabled (Isle of Man) Service Users' Network

Next page review: June 2017