Means testing of Maintenance Grants

Maintenance grants are subject to means testing, in every case, on the basis of the contributors' income as well as that of the student.

Calculating the Reduction on Account of Contributor's Income 

The amount of the grant is reduced by the amount shown below with reference to the total net income of the contributors in respect of maintenance grants in all cases

Net Income £Outside London reduction £Net Income £Outside London reduction £
21,547 0 47,000 4,242
22,000 76 48,000 4,409
23,000 242 49,000 4,576
24,000 409 50,000 4,742
25,000 576 51,000 4,909
26,000 742 52,000 5,076
27,000 909 53,000 5,242
28,000 1,076 54,000 5,409
29,000 1,242 55,000 5,576
31,000 1,576 57,000 5,909
32,000 1,742 58,000 6,076
33,000 1,909 59,000 6,242
34,000 2,076 60,000 6,409
35,000 2,242 61,000 6,576
36,000 2,409 62,000 6,742
37,000 2,576 63,000 6,909
38,000 2,742 64,000 7,076
39,000 2,909 65,000 7,242
40,000 3,076 66,000 7,409
41,000 3,242 67,000 7,576
42,000 3,409 68,000 7,742
43,000 3,576 69,000 7,909
44,000 3,742 70,000 8,076
45,000 3,909 70,145 8,100
46,000 4,076
Net Income £ London Reduction £
71,000 8,242
72,000 8,409
73,000 8,576
73,386 8,640

For intermediate amounts, the reduction is calculated as follows:

  • where net income exceeds £21,547 the amount of the grant is further reduced by £1 for each £6 of the contributor’s net income above the relevant amount specified in the above table

  • where the grant reduction causes the maintenance grant to fall below the base grant of £300, the student will be entitled to a maintenance grant of £300 per annum unless the total income of contributors exceeds £70,145 as specified in the above table

Means Testing of Student Income for the Calculation of Maintenance Grants 

Reduction on Account of Student's Income 

If the student has unearned income in the academic year, the grant is reduced by £1 for every £1 by which the income in the academic year exceeds the relevant amount specified below:

Category of income  £
Any scholarship, studentship, exhibition or award of a similar kind bestowed on the student in respect of the course (in pursuance of a sponsorship scheme or otherwise), except an award under these Regulations 8,640
Any payment made by the student's employer, where the student is released by the employer to attend the course 8,640
Pension 3,564
Trust income 2,160
Other unearned income (except income received by the student from renting out his or her own home)    972

Income falling within the following categories will not be taken into account for the purpose of determining the amount of the grant:

  • remuneration for employment
  • disability pension not subject to income tax
  • payments covenanted by a parent or guardian of the student
  • payments for an educational purpose, other than to meet:
    • tuition fees
    • expenses for which an allowance is made in respect of disability
    • living and course expenses
    • child benefit in respect of dependent children of the student
    • payments made under:
      • the action scheme of the European Community for the Mobility of University Students ('ERASMUS')
      • the European Commission programme for foreign language competence ('LINGUA')
      • payments made to the student out of access funds held by the institution which he or she is attending.

The 'parent or guardian', in relation to a student, includes any person (other than a public authority) who has parental responsibility for him or her, or would have parental responsibility for him or her if he or she were under the age of 18.

Contribution towards Tuition Fees where Family Income exceeds £112,000 

The universal contribution of £2,500 towards annual tuition fees is increased by 35% of that part of total gross income that exceeds £112,000 per annum, up to the full cost of tuition fees. 

If there is more than one student from a family attending College/University at the same time, the level of income above which the additional 35% becomes payable is increased by £19,285 per student. 

This additional contribution is payable by the student and/or contributors and is not covered by the loan scheme operated by the Department.