Covid-19 Coronavirus

Peel Medical Centre

Peel Medical Centre

Albany Road


Isle of Man


Telephone:+44 1624 686968

Fax:+44 1624 686965


Email:Send Email

Peel Medical Centre

Surgery hours

The surgery is open from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays.


Peel Group Practice runs an appointment system for the doctors, practice nurses and phlebotomists. We do not offer a drop-in service.

Urgent medical treatment

We have a 'triage system' in place daily, and you are asked to ring in as soon as possible after 8am to go on the list. The duty doctor will then ring you back with regard to your urgent problem. We would advise that for all other non urgent matters appointments are made in good time, to suit your needs. All appointments can be made by telephoning +44 1624 686968.

Doctors generally consult daily, between 8:30am and 11am and between 2pm and 5:30pm.

However surgery times may vary according to need, holidays, half days and on-call commitments. All emergencies will be reviewed the same day, however if an appointment is necessary you might not see your preferred doctor. Please do not abuse these services. If you are unable to keep your appointment please cancel it so that another person can use it. A considerable number of appointments are lost monthly by people failing to attend. You can now cancel your appointment by text to +44 7624 468468 giving your name, date of birth and date and time of your appointment.

Home visits

Whenever possible please attend the surgery for it is often easier for the doctor to examine and treat you in our well-equipped premises. If, however, you are too ill to attend the surgery then please telephone: +44 1624 686968 before 10am and request a house call. Our receptionists have been trained to ask you for details of your illness. They are not being intrusive but need this information to pass on to the doctor to enable him to prioritise his calls.

In an emergency, such as chest pain, dial 999 for an ambulance.

When the surgery is closed and you have a medical condition that isn't life-threatening but cannot wait until the surgery opens, please tel: +44 1624 686968 and a recorded message will inform you of the number to call (usually +44 1624 650355) to speak to the doctor on duty at the Manx Emergency Doctor Service, which is operated by the Family Practitioner Services of the Isle of Man Government's Health Services Division.

Directions to the surgery

The surgery is located off Albany Road, depending on which direction you are travelling from you need to turn in at the zebra crossing. Follow the signs to Peel Medical Centre.


Current Practitioners (GPs)

  • Dr Helen Teare MB BS (1989) London, MRCGP, DFSRH DCH Dip Obt (OTAGO), Dip Occ Med, DPD, Dip MEL
  • Dr Thenral Anand MB BS MRCS MRCGP DFSRH
  • Dr Oliver Ellis
  • Dr Oluwaseyi Babatunde
  • Dr Hayley Jamieson
  • Dr A Elfara
  • Dr Elizabeth Jordan

Practice Nurses

  • Matthew Beattie - Advanced Nurse Practioner
  • Chrissie Eve – Advanced Paramedic Practitioner
  • Sarah Shimmin - Practice Nurse
  • Hannah Quayle - Practice Nurse

Health Care Assistant

  • Lisa Jones 

Phlebotomists (shared role)

  • Vicki Cannan
  • Anne Crellin

Practice Manager

  • Janece Pugh

Assistant Practice Manager

  • Angela Cover

Attached Health Service Staff: District nurses, health visitors, and school nurse are based within the practice.

About us

Welcome to Peel Group Practice!

We are a partnership of 2 full time and 2 part time doctors practising out of a well equipped premises in Peel and are assisted by 2 Practice Nurses, 2 Advanced Nurse Practitioners, 1 Health Care Assistant and 1 Phlebotomist.

Smoking is not permitted on the premises or the grounds.

Practice catchment area

Our catchment area extends northwards to Orrisdale, southwards to Dalby and eastwards to Crosby crossroads and Foxdale. If you move outside our practice area you will have to register with another practice.

Disabled access

There are 2 car park spaces near the building. If you do require assistance then there is an intercom button on the outside wall which will notify reception that you need assistance. The automatic front doors will operate in working hours and the second internal door can stay open whilst you go through. If you do not have an obvious disability please advise the receptionist if any help is required. A Hearing Aid Loop System is fitted in the waiting room. There is a disabled toilet by the front entrance.

Private work including medicals

Your doctor is happy to carry out private medical examinations in connection with insurance, sports or driving. A fee is payable for such medicals at the BMA recommended rate which is posted in the waiting room. Please contact reception in the first instance if you require such a medical – all appointments may be outside the normal clinic hours as these are private appointments.

Peel Medical Welfare Fund (Registered Charity No. 597)

For many years we have been fortunate in having money donated to the surgery for the purchase of medical equipment. The Peel Medical Welfare Fund over the last few years has bought an ECG machine, defibrillator and other life saving equipment.

Telephone advice

To speak to a practice nurse regarding non urgent matters please telephone reception and leave your name, contact telephone number and brief details of what you want to discuss. If you leave your contact details before 11am the nurse will telephone you back during that day. If after 11am you may not be contacted until the next day. If you require urgent advice please advise the receptionist and you will be dealt with immediately. We now have telephone consultation appointments where you can book a telephone appointment for a GP to call you back. These call backs will be after 11am each day and you will need to leave a number on which you can be contacted on and details of what you wish to discuss.

Some enquiries can be dealt with over the telephone, though in many cases particularly if prescriptions are necessary you may be asked to make an appointment to see your doctor. Some enquiries are best dealt with in correspondence with your doctor who is then able to give a more considered and better informed reply to your query.

Repeat prescriptions

The majority of repeat prescriptions are issued via our computer. When you require a repeat prescription please complete the tear off slip on the previous prescription and return it to the surgery. If this is not available please write all your details clearly on a sheet of paper (name, date of birth, name of item, strength, dosage and the local chemist of your choice). The 2 pharmacies in Peel and the pharmacy in Kirk Michael operate a system whereby they collect prescriptions from the surgery and the patient can then collect their items from the pharmacy.  Prescriptions may not be ready to collect from the Pharmacy until the following day or if they have to order the item it make take longer.

We regret that we are unable to accept requests for prescriptions over the telephone. This is to avoid mistakes and to guard against the telephone lines from becoming too busy and preventing any emergency telephone calls from getting through.

On Monday to Thursday any requests for repeat prescriptions received at the surgery by 12pm will be available for collection the following afternoon where possible. Requests received at the surgery by 12pm on a Friday will be available for collection the following Monday afternoon but all requests received after 12pm on a Friday will not be available for collection until the following Tuesday afternoon.

Access to patient information

Data is handled with complete discretion and in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Information is only passed to authorised third parties and with patient’s informed consent, where necessary in writing. You will also be asked for a password for security purposes.

The rights and responsibilities of a patient

Patients have a right to courtesy, privacy and confidentiality. You can help us by being on time for your appointment. Letting us know if you need to cancel. Defaulting attendance at appointments wastes time and adds to the patient’s waiting list. It is discourteous and increases the suffering of others. Telephoning for an emergency appointment as soon after 8am as possible. Telephoning for a home visit before 10am. Prescription requests should be made in writing 48 hours before they are required. Your doctor may be called out on an emergency and you will be informed of any undue delay. You may wait or reschedule your appointment, and your understanding in this matter is much appreciated.

Violent or abusive patients

We aim to treat our patients courteously at all times and expect our patients to treat our staff in a similarly respectful way. We take seriously any threatening, abusive or violent behaviour against any of our staff or patients. If a patient is violent or abusive, they will be warned to stop their behaviour. If they persist, we may exercise our right to take action to have them removed, immediately if necessary, from our list of patients and they may be reported to the police.

It is not possible to get test results by email as we do not send any patient data through this insecure method of communication.

Weekly clinics

Blood Clinic 8.30am to 11am Blood Clinic 8.30am to 11am Blood Clinic 8.30am to 11am Blood Clinic 8.30am to 11am Blood Clinic 8.30am to 11am
Health Care Assistant + Blood Clinic 8am to 3.30pm  Treatment Room Health Care Assistant + Blood Clinic 8am to 3.30pm Treatment Room Health Care Assistant + Blood Clinic 8am to 3.30pm Treatment Room Health Care Assistant + Blood Clinic 8am to 3.30pm Treatment Room Health Care Assistant + Blood Clinic 8am to 3.30pm Treatment Room
Midwife Clinic 12.30pm to 3.30pm held at Western Wellbeing  N/A Baby Clinic Drop In 1.30pm to 2.30pm Health Clinic Room INR Clinic 1.30pm to 4pm Usually Room 10 & 11  N/A
Practice Nurse 8am to 4.30pm Practice Nurse 8am to 4.30pm Practice Nurse 9am to 6pm Practice Nurse 9am to 6pm Practice Nurse 8.30am to 5pm

Please check with Practice Manager or Assistant Practice Manager if you require any room when it is not being used, in case it is already been booked out. Room numbers will be input at the top of the Clinic in EMIS.

Self Referrals for Physiotherapy (not available for under 16's): patients complete form and then patient contacts them after 3 working days. Forms in reception.

Self Referral for Hearing Assessment and Hearing Aids: must be aged 50 +. Usually seen with 8 week.

Friends and Family Survey

Every time you visit your GP practice you are invited to take part in a short online survey. This is an anonymous survey and you are free to leave your comments about the practice in the space provided. The survey results are checked regularly and will be discussed with the GP Practice accordingly.

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