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Manx Decaf

Supporting carers, families and friends of people with Dementia and other memory problems

Coffee Heart

A cafe for people and carer's of people with memory problems and dementia

An opportunity to meet other in a social and relaxed atmosphere and meet staff involved with statutory services.

The charity's committee has the overall aim to provide a social environment which offers both an informal setting and a place where anyone can come to get information on dementia and other memory problems.

Dementia is used to describe a group of symptoms relating to behaviour and cognitive ability. Although dementia is commonly thought of in terms of memory problems, the reality is much more complex, and symptoms between the different forms of dementia can vary a great deal. Dementia symptoms can include memory problems, confusion and mood changes.

To find out more about Dementia, visit our Dementia Information.

Where and when

Manx Decaf runs a number of cafes throughout the Island every month:

  • Douglas: Douglas Golf Club, Pulrose
    2.30pm till 4.30pm, last Tuesday of every month

  • Ramsey: Ramsey Town Hall, Function Room, 2nd Floor
    2pm till 4pm, second Thursday of every month

  • South: The George Hotel, Castletown
    2pm till 4pm, second Wednesday of every month

Those involved

The committee consists of lay members and multi-disciplinary individuals from both the Department of Health and the Department of Health and Social Care experienced in occupational therapy, social work, and community mental health; all dedicated volunteers who are essential to the successful running of the cafes.

Volunteers, including trained professionals in memory problems, are able to offer guidance and support to those with dementia, as well as their carers and their relatives; this ensures that the best possible advice is given and that those affected don't come to feel isolated by the condition.

A Brief History of Manx Decaf

The first cafe was set up in 2006 by staff within the former Department of Health and Social Security after two of the Island's Community Mental Health Professionals attended a UK conference on dementia. It was there that they came across the then quite new concept of dementia cafes and were inspired to set one up on-Island. Over the next decade, three additional cafes have been established, with the scheme proving so popular that members felt there was great potential to take the initiate forward as a charity. The charity Manx Decaf, therefore, was established in 2012.

For further information about Manx Decaf call the Older Persons Mental Health Team on +44 1624 642879.

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