Covid-19 Coronavirus

Overseas Visitors

Medical Services for UK Residents

The Isle of Man has a reciprocal healthcare agreement with the UK which means that medical treatment which is needed by a resident of England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Island whilst visiting the Island is provided by the IOM NHS on the same basis as services provided to local residents. If you are a UK resident and you require NHS services whilst visiting the Island then the clinician you see will decide if treatment can reasonably wait until you return home after your visit or if you need the treatment whilst here. If the latter, then the treatment will be provided free of charge save for any charges which would be payable by an Island resident (e.g. prescription charges). UK residents may also register as a temporary resident with an IOM GP their visit to the Island is more than 24 hours and less than six months.

Please note that the reciprocal healthcare agreement does not cover all eventualities and so we advise visitors to obtain their own appropriate level of insurance in addition to this. For example, the agreement is restricted to visits of less than three months' duration and it does not in all circumstances include medical repatriation back to the UK, which can be very costly if needed.

Medical Services for Visitors from Outside the UK.

In line with the provisions of the NHS (Overseas Visitors) Regulations 2011, visitors from other jurisdictions generally are only entitled to accident and emergency services free of charge and all other services, including for hospital admission following accident and emergency treatment, must be paid for. This, together with the potential cost of medical repatriation to a jurisdiction beyond the UK mean that it is imperative that you have comprehensive travel insurance which covers these eventualities or the means to pay significant medical bills should you require medical attention whilst in the island.

Visitors from outside the UK may register with a GP practice as a private patient and will be expected to pay for any consultation, treatment or prescription at the time of the visit. 

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