Covid-19 Coronavirus


Getting the level of help that's right for you

It can sometimes be overwhelming trying to decide which healthcare provider is best placed to help you with your needs. This guide will signpost you to the most appropriate service or clinician depending on the level of support you need. Please consider whether you need to go straight to the Emergency Department at Noble’s Hospital, or whether you can get the help you need elsewhere. Please also remember that the Emergency Department is there to help you if you need urgent or emergency care, so please don’t delay getting the treatment or support you need. You should always dial 999 in the event someone is seriously ill or injured, their life is at risk, or for any other life-threatening emergency.

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Self-care – are you prepared?

Being proactive about your self-care can often help you manage some minor conditions at home, and avoid the need to seek medical help. It’s always a good idea to carry a small supply of essential medical items at home – just in case. This includes:

  • Paracetamol or Ibuprofen, or another suitable painkiller
  • Indigestion tablets
  • Lozenges
  • Diarrhoea medication
  • Rehydration sachets
  • Plasters
  • Antiseptic cream
  • A thermometer
  • Antihistamine tablets
  • Creams for bites and stings

Your local Community Pharmacist can support you with this.

Emergency care

For life-threatening emergencies and serious injuries only, such as:

  • Threat to life and limbs
  • Serious injury or trauma
  • Broken limbs
  • Major blood loss
  • Chest pain
  • Choking
  • Severe headaches
  • Blackouts
  • Allergic reactions

You should visit: the Emergency Department at Noble's Hospital. In the event you need immediate emergency treatment, please call 999 to speak to the Emergency Services Joint Control Room.

Urgent care

Urgent treatment for minor injuries and illnesses, such as: 

  • Severe sunburn or another type of burn/scald
  • A dislocation or break (no obvious deformity)
  • Sprains
  • Emergency contraception
  • Muscular pain
  • A bite or rash
  • A bad cut that you can't treat yourself at home
  • A minor head injury (with no loss of consciousness or vomiting)
  • A minor illness, such as urine infections, ear/eye/throat infections, skin infections (abscesses/boils etc.), abdominal pain

You should visit: the Minor Injuries Unit at Ramsey Cottage Hospital. It's open from 8am to 8pm, seven days a week (last admission at 7:30pm). The MIU can provide treatment for a wide range of minor illnesses and injuries that you need medical help with, but where you don't need support from the Emergency Department at Noble's Hospital. You should go to the Minor Injuries Unit for the treatment of all minor injuries and illnesses before you go to Noble's Hospital.

Community-based care

Urgent and routine appointments throughout the week, such as:

  • Feeling under the weather for a few days
  • Concerns about your chronic disease i.e. Diabetes
  • Sexual or reproductive health concerns
  • Concerns over lumps or bumps
  • More acute mental health concerns

You should visit: your GP (or MEDS, if out of hours). Isle of Man GPs are conducting both phone and face-to-face appointments right now. You may not be able to see your usual GP – you may be offered an appointment with another GP instead, or perhaps one of the Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs). It's important that you accept an appointment if you're offered one, even if it isn't always with the person you'd usually see.

If you are visiting the Island and don't have a GP, you can register as a temporary resident with any GP Practice. There may be a charge for GP Services, dependent on whether there are any reciprocal agreements in place with the country in which you live.

Mental health

If you struggle with mental health and have some of the symptoms described below: 

  • Persistent low mood
  • Anxiety
  • Concerns over your mental health/feeling like you're overwhelmed and struggling

You should visit: some online resources designed to help you such as Are you OK?QWELL for adult counselling, KOOTH for counselling for 11-17 year-olds, and the Samaritans who are available to listen 24/7 - you can contact them via telephone on 116123 (free) or via email on You won't necessarily be speaking to someone on the Island, and it's totally anonymous.

Eye and tooth health

If you have any of the symptoms listed below: 

  • Persistent toothache or urgent dental issues
  • Eye problems such as eye pain, visual disturbance or something in your eye
  • Concerns over management of your optical and dental health

You should visit: your Dentist or Optician. If you don't have a dentist, you can access the Community Dental Service +44 1624 642785). The emergency rota is available on the Dentists page. For eye issues you can contact Specsavers (Douglas) Minor Eye Conditions Service (+44 1624 689500). You can self-refer, or another optician, a pharmacist or your GP may signpost you there.

Pharmacy care

Pharmacists are able to advise and may be able to treat minor illnesses, such as: 

  • A bad headache
  • A need for emergency contraception
  • Head lice
  • Diarrhoea
  • Indigestion
  • A red or irritated eye

You should visit: your Community Pharmacist. They're open six days a week across the Island, with a rota system in place on a Sunday.

They also operate the Island's Minor Ailments Scheme, where they can provide medication for a range of common complaints.


Keep a well-stocked first aid cupboard for mnor ailments such as: 

  • A bruise
  • A small cut or graze
  • A hangover
  • A cold sore
  • A cough or cold

You should visit: your medicine cabinet, because you might have some medication at home that can alleviate your symptoms quickly. If not, a trip to your local Community Pharmacy will help you get the support you need.

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