Garey ny Cloie Gardens

National parks and gardens

Garey ny Cloie is situated on the A40 route between St John's village and Foxdale, approximately half a mile south of Tynwald Hill. For many decades this amenity woodland garden has served as the headquarters for forestry technical operations on the IslanGarey ny Cloie Gardensd although during that time many changes have taken place. During the 1930s extensive fruit orchards were developed for experimental purposes and in the early 1960s major renovation works resulted in a newly relocated forest nursery and garden centre which was for many years open to the general public. It was about this time that much of the presently maturing amenity woodland was established. Bounded by the route of the old St John's to Foxdale railway branch line to the west and the Sinclair Rifle Range to the south, mainly broadleaved deciduous woodland comprising beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Scarlet oak (Quercus coccinea) clothe the base of the eastern slope of Slieau Whallian down to the Foxdale River which flows through Garey ny Cloie on its way to the Neb.

In the vicinity of the river the would-be arborist can become acquainted with some less common tree species including Indian horse chestnut (aesculus indica), maidenhair tree (gingko biloba), copper beech (fagus sylvatica vGarey ny Cloie Gardens 2ar. purpurea) and hybrid southern beech (nothofagus procera/Antarctica).

In springtime the shrub borders of evergreen azalea, dwarf rhododendron and camelia provide added colour and diversity to an already varied collection of Japanese flowering cherries which comprise early, mid-season and later-flowering varieties. The mature Japanese maple, acer palmatum Ozakasuki reserves its spectacular display of crimson leaf colour for the autumn.

Car parking facilities are available opposite the main gate to the grounds which are open to pedestrian visitors throughout the year.

The land is managed by the Forestry Amenity and Lands Directorate of the Department of Environment, Food and Agriculture