Making a planning application

Online applications

Please select the relevant application below to be directed to our external service provider. Once you have completed the form you will be directed to attach your plans and supporting documents. When you submit your application it will be sent to us and you will receive a confirmation email containing a ‘DSFX’ reference number.

Notes for online applications:

  • Each attachment must be below 4MB in size

  • Proof of payment must be provided, where required, to conclude validation. If your application incurs a fee we will contact you to request the payment once the application details have been checked. If you wish to make your payment by BACS please make sure that proof of payment is provided quoting the reference number given. For more information see the Planning Fees Order  

  • Electronic Applications for Planning Approval, Registered Building Consent, Advertisement Consent or a Certificate of Lawfulness must be accompanied by a single paper copy if the site is located within these local authority areas: Arbory (and Rushen); Ballaugh; Castletown; German; Lezayre; Marown; Michael; Peel; and Port St Mary

Hard copy applications

If you are unable to submit your application electronically, forms are available for hard copy submission on the application forms page. Two copies are required for applications for Planning Approval, Registered Building Consent, Advertisement Consent or a Certificate of Lawfulness and one copy is required for an application for a Minor Change.


If you require a base map to enable you to draw your location and site plans, these can be obtained from the Department of Infrastructure which is the custodian for the Island maps (not Ordnance Survey). More information on maps for planning applicaitons.


Information on amendments to planning applications (prior to determination) or to planning approvals (post determination).

Personal information

As there is a statutory requirement to maintain a register of planning applications your application will be retained indefinitely as part of that register. All the information submitted, including the personal information, will be available to anyone to view at our public counter. All personal telephone numbers, email addresses, (unless either relates to a business) signatures and any other personal information that is of no material consequence to the consideration of an application will be redacted from the online publications. Applicant names will remain on the online publications for reasons of transparency as part of the consultation process.

Local Authorities will continue to receive applicant names as part of their role in application consultations.

You have a right to request that any personal information is amended, deleted or restricted and this can be requested by contacting the Department’s Data Protection Officer on 686781 or by email at