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Planning and Building Control performance

A Development Management Customer Charter has been published which sets out the services available and standards expected in relation to planning applications and enforcement. The Charter sets out the standards we want to be able to achieve, and the programme provides the mechanism to ensure the resources, processes and prioritisation is in place to meet those standards. The Charter is a living document and so will itself be informed by that work looking at those resources, processes and prioritisation.

Planning statistics

We are currently dealing with 363 pending planning applications* and 15 other pending applications** (as of 10 July 2024)

Statistics for the last 12 months (1/7/2023 to 30/06/2024) in relation, including in relation to some of the standards set out in the Customer Charter, are set out below.

  • 1,252 Planning Applications* were determined, of which 285 had been subject to amendment

  • 89% of Planning Applications* were approved

  • 1,081 Simple (Type 1 and 2 Applications*) were determined of which 65% were determined within the target timescale (decision notice issued within 8 weeks of validation or, if amended, the date of the last amend/info being submitted)

  • 171 More Complex (Type 3 and 4 Applications*) were determined of which 49% were determined within the target timescale (decision notice issued within 13 weeks of validation or, if amended, 8 weeks from the date of the last amendment/information being submitted)

  • 96% of Planning Applications* which passed validation*** were validated within 10 days of receipt

  • Of the above (Types 1 – 4) applications*, 99% of Decision Notices were issued within 10 working days of decision or (if applicable) within 10 working days of the Section 13 Legal Agreement being signed

  • No Telecoms Prior Approval Applications were determined

  • 40 Minor Change Applications were determined of which, 35% were determined within 4 weeks of validation

  • 123 Applications for the Approval of Information Required by Condition were determined of which, 81% were determined within 8 weeks of validation (****)


*       Excluding Appeals and excluding Approvals of Information Required By Conditions, Minor Changes, Telecommunication Prior Approvals but including Registered Buildings, Adverts and Certificates of Lawfulness.

**       Approval of Information Required By Conditions, Minor Changes and Telecommunication Prior Approvals.

***     Hard copy applications (not returned) or electronic applications (and not changed to Not Taken Up/NTU).

****   A new process for recording and processing information required by condition was introduced on 01.01.23.

Application types

  • Type 1 Applications are householder applications (e.g. extensions)

  • Type 2 Applications are other minor applications

  • Type 3 are 1-7 new dwellings or up to 500 square metres commercial floor space

  • Type 4 are 8 or more new dwellings or over 500 square metres commercial floor space.

Building Control statistics

In last 12 months – July 2023 to June 2024 inclusive (previous 12 month period in brackets) for the whole of the island outside of Douglas and Onchan

  • 866 Building Control Applications were received (809)

  • 660 Commencements were logged (768)

  • 608 Completion Certificates were issued (531)

  • 3,873 site inspections were made (4,119)


8 weeks - Bar chart showing the number of Determined Planning Applications within 8 weeks July 2023 to June 2024

13 weeks - Bar chart showing of Determined Planning Applications within 13 weeks July 2023 to June 2024

BC stats - Bar Chart showing the Building Control Activity July 2023 to June 2024 Outside of Douglas and Onchan, with last years results as a comparison

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