Planning Committee meetings

Most planning applications are determined by Senior Officers with delegated powers.

Around 20% of planning applications are determined by the Planning Committee.

The Committee comprises of the Chair and up to 6 lay members whom are all appointed by the Council of Ministers.

The Committee is charged with determining planning applications which are referred to it in accordance with the Standing Orders.

Meetings are usually held at:

Ground Floor Committee Room

Murray House

Mount Havelock


Isle of Man


The Department is able to carry out Planning Committee meetings electronically should it be required, and can support attendance and/or participation in a physical meeting by electronic means. For assistance in how to register, please refer to the Public Speaking Guidance and Supplementary Guidance in the downloadable documents box.

The dates of the next few meetings are set out below and these will be physical meetings held at Murray House unless otherwise indicated on the agenda for that meeting.

  • 24 June 2024
  • 8 July 2024
  • 22 July 2024
  • 5 August 2024
  • 19 August 2024
  • 2 September 2024
  • 16 September 2024
  • 30 September 2024
  • 14 October 2024

Please also note that the agenda is available at least two working days prior to the meeting. A copy will be made available online as soon as it's published, alongside the agendas and minutes for last six months (the minutes are published when signed off by members at the committee's subsequent sitting). All are downloadable from our Committee Agenda and Minutes page

If you wish to register to receive an alert each time a planning committee agenda is published (available by email only) please contact

For older historic copies of the agendas or minutes, please contact the Directorate on +44 1624 685950, or email:

Any comment regarding a planning application must have been made in writing, and in good time prior to the public meeting. This allows the Reporting Officer time to consider the content and include the detail in their assessment and the body of their report to the Committee. 

Planning Committee Members

Members are appointed by CoMIN, recruited usually for terms of five years.
Advertisement for members to apply will occur as the terms of sitting members are due to expire.

Current Members are:

Mr R Callister, MHK Chairman, Mr P Young, Mr S Skelton, Mr M Warren, Mrs H Hughes, Miss A Betteridge and Mr P Whiteway.

Registering to Speak at Planning Committee

The Department has introduced opportunity for the applicant, Local Authority and those people who have made written representations to register to speak at meetings of the Planning Committee. In order to register you must telephone Planning Administration on +44 1624 685950. You must register by 4:30pm on the working day prior to the Committee meeting. For full details on speaking at the meeting please read the leaflet available in the downloadable documents.

Hard of Hearing facilities

To assist those with hearing difficulties the meeting room at Murray House is fitted with a voice amplification and a hearing loop facility

The Department has access to a small stock of portable induction loop kits for the public to use at the public meetings. 

If you need to use these facilities please alert and register a need to use such with the Office of Planning and Building Control BEFORE the meeting, telephone +44 1624 685950.

Deferral for Site Visit

If the committee defer an application so they can conduct a site visit, they will agree this in the meeting when the application is considered.  The date and time of site visits is agreed at the end of the meeting.  A memo will be placed on the on-line application details setting this out.  At the discretion of the Case Officer, property owners/occupiers may be contacted (for example where it is necessary to seek permission to enter a property).