France to Isle of Man school trips

Visit the Isle of Man as part of a French school trip

The France-Isle of Man school trip travel information form allows you to bring a group of children from a school in France directly to the Isle of Man.

This form allows you to bring a group of 5 or more children aged 18 or under from a school in France directly to the Isle of Man

Your school must be registered with the French Ministry of Education for you to use this form.

Every child and adult who is part of the group must be included in the form. Confirm who is travelling and check they have the correct documents before you fill it in.

Documents the children need

Children who by virtue of their nationality would normally require a visa, do not need to do so if travelling to the Isle of Man under this concession.

Nationals of the EU, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein

Each child must have:

If they have a passport, they should bring it. It will make it faster to cross the border.

Nationals of other countries

Each child must have:

Documents the adults need

All adults in the group must bring their passport.

If they would normally need a visa to visit the Isle of Man, they must have a visa for this trip.

You can check if you will need a visa.

Filling in the form

The head teacher of your school must fill in the form.

If there are not enough rows in the form for the number of pupils or adults that are travelling, fill in another copy of the form.

For French school trips travelling direct to the Isle of Man from France, complete the following form:

Bring 2 copies of the form with you. You will need to show them to an Immigration officer at the Isle of Man border.

The Isle of Man Immigration officer will check it is correct and that everyone in the group has the correct documents. They will keep one of the copies of the form. The form must be sent to the prefecture at least 15 days before departure, along with:

  • The children's authorisations to leave the country, signed by their parent or guardian
  • The copies of the parents' identity documents
  • The prefecture will check the documents and send them back to the head teacher

French school trips travelling to the Isle of Man via the UK

If the school group is to travel to the Isle of Man via the UK, you will need to complete the UK's form:

Keep hold of the second copy of the form the period of time the group is in the Isle of Man.