Naturalisation and Registration as a British Citizen

Notice: Application Fee Increase from 1 July 2024

Most in-country Nationality fees will increase from the 1 July 2024. Please see below:

Application for the amendment or replacement of a certificate of registration or naturalisation as a British citizen: £400

Registration as a British Citizen under S 4L of BNA 1981: £149.20

British citizen under S4(C) and 4(G) of BNA 1981: £149.20

Arrangement of a citizenships ceremony: £130

Checking your statusRequirements and GuidanceProcessApplication formsFeesKnowledge of English and of Life in the UK

Naturalisation and Registration as a British Citizen

The British Government is responsible for the laws covering British citizenship through the British Nationality Act 1981 (an Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom) which extends to the Isle of Man.

Arrangements have been made for the functions of the Secretary of State under the Act to be exercised in the Isle of Man by the Lieutenant Governor in relation to cases concerning British citizens and British citizenship (including naturalisation).  The Treasury provides processing services to support the Lieutenant Governor in the exercise of those functions.


Naturalisation allows someone to become a British citizen and obtain the same rights and privileges as someone who was born a British citizen, including allowing you to apply for a British passport and the opportunity to participate more fully in the life of your local community.

You may be eligible for naturalisation if you've lived in the United Kingdom (UK) or Islands for five years or more and meet the English language requirement. Alternatively, if you are married to a British citizen and have lived in the UK or Islands for three years or more and meet the English language requirement, you may also be eligible.


Registration is a similar process although mainly for minors and persons who already hold a British nationality status other than British citizenship. In some cases there is an entitlement to register.

There are different ways to apply for British citizenship based on your circumstances. More information about checking if you can become a British citizen can be found on the UK Government website.

Important information

Applicants should not be reliant on having a British passport within a set time frame and therefore should not allow the validity on their foreign passport to run down to such a position that they cannot continue to use it for travel. Applying for a British passport is a separate process, and you will not be able to submit your application until after you have attended a citizenship ceremony.

The Nationality Service do not accept any responsibility for travel booked by an applicant in anticipation of having a British passport.

The information provided on our website is not intended to be comprehensive nor is it a complete statement of immigration and nationality law or policy.