Children with disabilities develop skills at badminton and boccia festivals

Friday, 20 January 2017

Group Picture - Secondary School Badminton and Boccia Festival

Pupils with disabilities developed physical and social skills at badminton and boccia festivals run by Manx Sport and Recreation (MSR) yesterday. 

Ninety pupils from 13 primary and secondary schools took part in the festivals, cheered on and supported by their family and friends. 

The festivals form part of the year-round Disability School Sports Programme. 

Ari Brooks, Disability Sports Development Officer with MSR, said:

‘Our 10-year Strategy for Sport outlines how sport and physical activity improves the lives of those with disabilities. 

‘The children participated in badminton and boccia activities in school PE lessons leading up to the event, developing balance and co-ordination as well as teamwork and social skills. 

‘At the festivals, the children put their new skills to the test in a variety of fun and inclusive activities.’ 

Ann Corlett MHK and Lawrie Hooper MHK, Members of the Department of Education and Children, presented medals to pupils who took part. 

The Disability School Sports Programme started in September with tri-golf, while football featured in November. It continues with kwik cricket in March, a girls’ football day in April and athletics in June.

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