Application to extend Ramsey boundary rejected after independent inquiry

Monday, 17 June 2024

An independent inquiry has rejected an application from Ramsey Town Commissioners to extend the town’s boundary – a decision which has been endorsed by the Department of Infrastructure. 

It was proposed that the town’s boundary be extended into neighbouring Garff and Lezayre, which would have represented the first land review in the area for more than 30 years. 

Peter Taylor was selected to chair the inquiry, which has gone through a number of stages including a public consultation process, and in accordance with Section 6(2) of the Local Government Act 1985 a public inquiry was held in January of this year. 

The Department has considered the Chairman’s report and concurs with his conclusions. It accepts the recommendation that the application for the expansion of the town boundaries of Ramsey should not be accepted. 

Therefore, the Department has determined that it will not be making an Order under Section 6 of the Local Government Act 1985 to alter the boundaries to the town district of Ramsey. 

The Inquiry Chairman’s report has been published online, and can be found here.

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