Manx Care to host 'Dads in Touch' Event

Monday, 17 June 2024

Calling all on-Island Dads! You are invited to the 'Dads in Touch' event at 6pm at The Roundhouse, Braddan, on 2 July 2024.

Following the success of the Dad’s Survey, launched by the Midwifery Team, Manx Care has acknowledged that there is a need for support for fathers on the Isle of Man – as per the Ockenden recommendation to work in collaboration with the community.

The event is open to all of those who participated in the survey, as well as any fathers with questions, and those who feel that they may benefit from guidance. Nearly 20 community organisations have signed up to attend the event, so that 'Dad Groups' can be discussed and established with the intention of providing help, assistance and facilities across the Island.

Directions to the venue are available.

Registered Midwife, Liza Munro, commented:

'We encourage any new dads that may feel a bit lost or overwhelmed to come to the 'Dads in Touch' event so that we can discuss and help pave pathways that will support you and your family. In the past, the focus has always been on supporting the birthing parent and we are incredibly keen to expand and share knowledge, and to propagate a healthy lifestyle for dads too. This will also be an opportunity for dads to engage with each other and potentially develop new friendships – you are not alone.'

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