Sanctions Guidance Amendments

Tuesday, 18 June 2024

The Treasury advises that amendments have been made to the Sanctions and export control website to enhance supplementary guidance, aimed at providing technical support to industry and the public.

The Russia sanctions guidance page has redesigned statutory guidance that is now divided into multiple documents that focus on specific areas of sanctions.

The page also includes relevant external links that may help support existing understanding of sanctions relating to Russia.

The sanctions licences page now includes supplementary questions in the licence application form to reduce additional information requests. Please also see the additional external links included that provide specific detailed guidance on key aspects to licensing.

Further information

Guidance is produced by the Customs and Excise Division, part of the Treasury, which is the authority for the implementation of financial sanctions in the Isle of Man. It outlines your obligations under financial sanctions and takes into account relevant case law and guidance at the date of publication. This guidance is general in nature so you should also refer to the relevant, up-to-date legislation, which takes precedence.

Please note that the Treasury cannot issue definitive guidance on how the Isle of Man courts might interpret these laws.

Finally, guidance does not represent legal advice. If you are unsure about your obligations in a given case, you should consider taking independent legal advice.

Failure to comply with financial and trade sanctions legislation or to attempting to circumvent its provisions is a criminal offence.

Further details may be found on the sanctions and export control pages of the Isle of Man Government website.

Contact details for enquiries

If you require any further information or guidance, please contact the Sanctions Team on:

Telephone: +44 1624 648109


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