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You searched for 'protected areas,protected areas'

Showing 1-10 of 12 results.

Protected sites

About The Government > Departments > Environment, Food and Agriculture > Environment Directorate > Ecosystem Policy Team > Wildlife, Biodiversity and Protected Sites

Protected sites best represent our natural heritage. As at April 2023, the Isle of Man has 25 Areas of Special Scientific Interest, 1 National Nature Reserve, 10 Marine Nature Reserves, 1 Area

Catchment areas

About The Government > Departments > Education, Sport and Culture > Policies and procedures A to Z > C

School catchment areas

Wildlife, Biodiversity and Protected Sites

About The Government > Departments > Environment, Food and Agriculture > Environment Directorate > Ecosystem Policy Team

Please click the relevant button(s) below to visit our webpages:     Protected Sites  The Isle of Man has a variety of statutory protected sites, designated for their wildlife interest

Protected species

About The Government > Departments > Environment, Food and Agriculture > Environment Directorate > Ecosystem Policy Team > Wildlife, Biodiversity and Protected Sites > Wildlife

Many species receive protection under the Wildlife Act 1990. Here you will find pages with notes on some commonly found protected species. If you have protected species on a development site, please

Protected plants

About The Government > Departments > Environment, Food and Agriculture > Environment Directorate > Ecosystem Policy Team > Wildlife, Biodiversity and Protected Sites > Wildlife

Which plants are protected? All wild plants on the Island are protected by law, in that it is illegal for an unauthorised person to intentionally uproot wild plants, for example by going onto

Protected cell companies

Business and Industries > Companies Registry > Forms

Forms for protected cell companies

Safe bathing areas

About The Government > Departments > Infrastructure > Harbours Information > Information and legislation

Information on safe bathing areas

Scallop Fishery closed areas

Business and Industries > Commercial fishing > Closed or restricted area maps

Details of scallop fishery closed and restricted areas can be found in the Isle of Man Sea Fishing Licence Schedule, see IOM Conditions and Variations.

Lecturers areas of interest

Education, Training and Careers > Keyll Darree Health and Social Care Higher Education Centre > Areas of interest explored within Health & Social Care

Lecturers areas of interest

Coastal buildings and war memorials protected

News > 2021 > Jul > 13

Twenty seven maritime buildings and war memorials have been given protected status due to their special architectural or historical interest. In total, 14 coastal buildings, including six