
Measles update

Measles cases are on the rise in the UK. Measles can be a serious disease – it is highly infectious and can result in life changing complications. The best protection from measles is to get 2 doses of the MMR vaccine, given at 1 year and again at 3 years 4 months. Find out more about the MMR and other childhood vaccines.

Whilst COVID-19 continues to disrupt our daily lives, it's important we are up-to-date with our routine vaccines. 

Once immunised our bodies are better able to fight those vaccine preventable diseases if we come into contact with them. It is important for babies, children and adults keep their routine vaccinations up to date because they protect from serious diseases.

Speak to your Nurse or Doctor if you or your child:

  • has missed any vaccinations

  • has a vaccination appointment booked – but you've missed it or cannot attend

  • or have questions about the routine vaccination programme

They can book the next available appointment or give you advice.

Remember: It is never too late for you or your child to be immunised.

Even if you or your child has missed an immunisation and is older than the recommended ages, you can contact a Nurse or Doctor to arrange for you or your child to be assessed for age appropriate immunisation.

Refer to Isle of Man Vaccination Programme below for vaccine schedules.

Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI)

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) recommends changes to the delivery of immunisation programmes within the UK and Crown Dependencies.  Before making changes or including new vaccinations into the UK programmes JCVI undertakes detailed research and investigations into all new vaccines or changes to existing programmes delivered. 

The Isle of Man follows and uses the same set of detailed information produced by JVCI for the delivery of all vaccination or immunisation programmes to fit in with local services and programmes for the Isle of Man.

Public Health, Health Protection works closely with Manx Care to oversee the delivery and implementation of all immunisation and vaccination programmes for the Isle of Man. 

See: Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation - GOV.UK

Vaccine Damage Payment

If you have become severely disabled as a result of receiving certain vaccines, you may be entitled to a Vaccine Damage Payment.

The programmes

The information and content on these pages have been adapted for local use by Isle of Man, Public Health, Health Protection team with kind permission from Public Health England.